Order: In the Matter of Donald Mason


FILE NO.: 2018-1


Mark Sandler, Chair of the Panel

April 16, 2018


WHEREAS on April 16, 2018, the Ontario Securities Commission (the Commission) held a hearing at the offices of the Commission, located at 20 Queen Street West, 17th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, in relation to an adjournment request with respect to an application by Donald Mason filed on December 29, 2017 to review a decision of a Director of the Commission dated November 30, 2017 (the Application);  

ON READING the correspondence of Staff of the Commission (Staff) and on hearing submissions of Staff, appearing by telephone, and Donald Mason, also appearing by telephone, and considering that the parties consent to the adjournment;  


  1. Timelines set out in the Order in this matter dated February 7, 2018 are no longer operative;
  2. The May 29, 2018 hearing date is vacated; and  
  3. A hearing shall be held on June 22, 2018, commencing at 9:30 a.m., or on such other dates or times as may be agreed to by the parties and set by the Office of the Secretary to:
    1. set dates for disclosure, and filing and service of materials related to the Application;
    2. schedule any interlocutory motions, including:  
      1. any motion requesting intervenor status;
      2. any motion requesting an order for disclosure of redacted information contained in the affidavit of Louise Brinkmann;  
    3. address any procedural issues or requirements arising out of the anticipated notice of constitutional question;
    4. set a date to hear the Application; and
    5. address any outstanding issues that may have arisen.


" Mark J. Sandler "
Mark J. Sandler